C122-E003-02EN 8-257
8.3 Operation Commands
(5) Examples
• Displays all the message log contents
Displayed items:
z seq: Message log sequence number
z date: Collection date and time
z hostname: Host name
z message: Message
(6) Error Messages
• % Incomplete command.
Cause: Incomplete command input
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• System error.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Check the system status, and reenter the command. If the error occurs again,
collect unit information, configuration definition information, and the
information in different types of logs, and restart the unit. Alternatively,
contact a certified service engineer.
switch#show logging message
seq date hostname message
---- -------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------
0001 1970-01-01 09:00:11 (none) : IF-4400-0002 I2C-M24256 .. Driver regist ok.
0002 1970-01-01 09:00:11 (none) : IF-4400-000b I2C-PCA9559 .. Driver regist ok.
0003 1970-01-01 09:00:11 (none) : IF-4b00-0009 EFR .. Driver regist ok. Major = 240
0004 1970-01-01 09:00:13 (none) : IF-4800-7301 IFM_LIB <init_module Ver1.01>
0005 1970-01-01 09:00:14 (none) : DE-8501-0000 PORT: data module init start
0006 1970-01-01 09:00:14 (none) : DE-8501-0000 PORT: data module init end
0007 1970-01-01 09:00:14 (none) : IF-8502-0001 PORT: proc_mkdir_gswb /proc/gswb
create now !!
0008 1970-01-01 09:00:14 (none) : IF-8500-0003 PORT: /proc/gswb/port/private create
0008 1970-01-01 09:00:14 (none) : IF-8500-0003 PORT: /proc/gswb/port/private create