C122-E003-02EN 6-5
6.2 SAF-TE Operation Command (diskctrl)
Specifies the logical device name of the HDD subject to operation or the slot
number of an SAF-TE unit:
Devicename: Specify the logical device name of the OS.
(Example: /dev/sda if it is the first SCSI disk unit)
/dev/sgx/slotno: Specify the slot number of sgx (SAF-TE device).
(Example: /dev/sg0/1 if it is the slot 1 of the sg0).
(3) Example
The following example displays all SAF-TE units in the OS and the status of their
individual slots in a list:
Display example Description of status
0 /dev/sda Power-On Fault LED-Off <-
Normal operation
1 /dev/sdb Power-On Fault LED-Predicted Fault <-
Predicted fault
0 --mount Not Activated Fault LED-Off <-
No HDD is inserted or powered on.
1 --mount Power-Off Fault LED-On <-
Power-off due to a failure
0 /dev/sdd Power-on Fault LED-Identify <-
Location display on
1 none <-
Empty slot
0 none
* The number displayed under /
1 none
dev/sg0 indicates the slot number.
The following example powers off an HDD before the unit is replaced or removed:
The following example verifies the HDD mounting location before an additional
HDD is installed:
The following example turns off a fault LED that the user kept blinking to indicate the
location for HDD replacement or addition:
# /opt/FJSVpsa/bin/diskctrl -l
# /opt/FJSVpsa/bin/diskctrl -e /dev/sda
# /opt/FJSVpsa/bin/diskctrl -i /dev/sg0/3