C122-E003-02EN 7-25
7.4 System Menu
7.4.7 Active Image Change window
The [Active Image Change] window changes firmware and the configuration
definition file. Settings that are enabled in [Current Setting] are also enabled in the
initial display of this window.
The following firmware can be specified in the window:
z [Offline Firmware]: Software for hardware initialization, hardware initial
diagnosis, and online firmware loading and startup
z [Online Firmware]: General name of different types of software groups used for
GSWB operations
The GSWB must be restarted to reflect any changes. A message prompting restart of
the GSWB is displayed when the [Apply] button is clicked.
Figure 7.11 [Active Image Change] window
Table 7.28 Displayed and setting items in the [Active Image Change] window
Item Description
Configuration File Specify the configuration definition file that is used at GSWB
• config0
• config1
Boot Firmware Specify the offline firmware bank that is used at GSWB startup: