C122-E003-02EN 8-55
8.2 Configuration Definition Commands
(6) Error messages
• % Incomplete command.
Cause:Incomplete command input
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• Internal communication error.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Check the system status, and reenter the command. If the error occurs again,
collect unit information, configuration definition information, and the
information in different types of logs, and restart the unit. Alternatively,
contact a certified service engineer.
• Input parameter error.
Cause: An invalid parameter was specified.
Action: Specify the correct parameter. spanning-tree max-age
This command sets the maximum aging time.
The reception timeout time of Hello messages (root configuration information in
STP) is specified in seconds. Reception of periodic Hello messages stops after the
specified time has elapsed. Recalculation for the spanning tree begins when this time
has elapsed.
Because different kinds of delays occur before a message reaches the end of the tree
from the root bridge (generally 2 s/segment), IEEE802.1D recommends setting a
vicinity of 20 s.
(1) Synopsis
• Sets the maximum aging time
Switch(config)# spanning-tree priority 8192