
Chapter 2
Using the FX-286 with
Commercial Software
You’ve now completed setting up your new FX-286 printer and the
self test has confirmed that the printer is operating correctly. You’re
ready to print your first document.
Although you could use BASIC or another language for your first
effort, a word processor will probably make things easier, and also
give you a chance to explore the capabilities of the FX-286 printer.
Using the FX-286 with Word Processors
Most word processing programs support the Epson FX printers
because of their widespread use and standardized print codes.
To use the FX-286 with most word processing programs, all you
have to do is to tell the program that you are using an Epson FX
printer. When you do this, the word processing program automati-
cally sends the correct information to the printer. This process is nor-
mally part of the setup or installation process.
Many word processors have special utility programs for different
printers, called printer drivers. This is usually a short question-and-
answer session in which the program asks two or three basic questions.
To set up a program for use with the FX-286, give the following
What computer
are you using?
The name of your computer
What printer are FX-286 (see following para-
you using? graph for additional explanation)
What type of interface are Parallel or serial, depending
you using? on your cable and computer