
Appendix I
ASCII Code Conversion Chart
and Proportional Width Tables
This appendix contains an ASCII code conversion chart and the
width of all printable characters and international characters in the
proportional mode (available only in the Epson draft pica). The
ASCII values for each character remain constant in any mode.
The proportional width table lists all the characters except the inter-
national ones. For each character the table lists the decimal (Dec)
value, the hexadecimal (Hex) value, a printout of the character
(Char), and the width of the character. The width is given in units that
are approximately 1/120th of an inch.
In the international character table, each of the international char-
acters is displayed in printout and enlarged matrix form, with the
width given at the top right of each matrix. The procedure for using
the international characters is given in Chapter 5.