You’re essentially a rst round draft pick. You’ll come in with the
highest ratings but will also have lofty goals that will be tougher
to meet. Choosing this backstory gives you the quickest way to
crack the starting lineup and contribute right away.
You’ve been drafted near the end of the draft. You’ll have medio-
cre ratings and will have to really excel in practice and in the pre-
season just to earn a few snaps in your rst year. However, your
goals will not be set quite as high. Choosing this backstory makes
it less likely to see signicant playing time in year one, but has
the chance to develop later on.
You’ve been completely ignored and were not selected in the
draft. Your ratings will be much lower than the other backstories
and you’ll have to scratch and claw for every piece of XP you can
get. Choosing the backstory will provide the toughest grind and
you can expect to not see much playing time in the rst season.
High Draft
Low Draft