You’ll be cut from the same cloth as John Madden and Vince
Lombardi. Your players will lay it all on the line for you and you’ll
attract free agents as well. Being a motivator will also give you a
25% discount on packages that increase a free agent’s interest in
signing with your team as well as 25% off packages to decrease
the odds of a player retiring.
You’re one of the smartest men in football when it comes to the
X’s and O’s, perhaps the next Bill Walsh. Being a strategist will
give you a 25% discount on XP boost packages, the Coach XP
package, discount packages which reduces the XP cost for your
players, and the Predictability Package.
Being the head coach is only one of the hats you wear. Scouting
and roster management are also key components of your abili-
ties. Being a team builder will give you a 25% discount in packages
that increase the interest of a player re-signing with you, the
Expert Scout Package, and Trade Inuence Package.
Team Builder