Mean Joe Greene
Prototype DT / Attacking 3-4 93 STR, 94 PMV, 95 BSH
Mean Joe Greene is considered to be one of the best defensive
linemen in the history of the NFL. The 1969 Rookie of the Year,
Greene became the anchor of the “Steel Curtain” defense. However,
today’s Pittsburgh Steelers have switched to a 3-4 defense and do
not value the Prototype DT that Greene is. Your best bet of playing
early on is with the rival Dallas Cowboys. You’ll come in just behind
Jay Ratliff, but nothing Mean Joe Greene can’t overcome with a little
practice and on-eld performance.
Joe Montana
West Coast QB/ West Coast Scheme 97 SAC, 92 RUN, 89 MAC
Some still consider Joe Montana to be the greatest quarterback of
all time mostly due to his four Super Bowl victories and 31, fourth
quarter comebacks. It seems logical to take Joe back to San Fran-
cisco where he would supplant Alex Smith as the starter and look
to start another dynasty. Can you prove to the world that the same
success can be had, this time without Jerry Rice?