
Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 40 Configuring IP Multicast Routing
Configuring IP Multicast Routing
PIM uses both source trees and RP-rooted shared trees to forward datagrams (described in the “PIM
DM” section on page 40-4 and the “PIM SM” section on page 40-4). The RPF check is performed
differently for each:
If a PIM router or multilayer switch has a source-tree state (that is, an (S,G) entry is present in the
multicast routing table), it performs the RPF check against the IP address of the source of the
multicast packet.
If a PIM router or multilayer switch has a shared-tree state (and no explicit source-tree state), it
performs the RPF check on the RP address (which is known when members join the group).
Sparse-mode PIM uses the RPF lookup function to decide where it needs to send joins and prunes:
(S,G) joins (which are source-tree states) are sent toward the source.
(*,G) joins (which are shared-tree states) are sent toward the RP.
Dense-mode PIM uses only source trees and use RPF as previously described.
Configuring IP Multicast Routing
These sections contain this configuration information:
Default Multicast Routing Configuration, page 40-8
Multicast Routing Configuration Guidelines, page 40-9
Configuring Basic Multicast Routing, page 40-10 (required)
Configuring PIM Stub Routing, page 40-12 (optional)
Configuring Source-Specific Multicast, page 40-13
Configuring Source Specific Multicast Mapping, page 40-17
Configuring a Rendezvous Point, page 40-22 (required if the interface is in sparse-dense mode, and
you want to treat the group as a sparse group)
Using Auto-RP and a BSR, page 40-32 (required for non-Cisco PIMv2 devices to interoperate with
Cisco PIM v1 devices))
Monitoring the RP Mapping Information, page 40-33 (optional)
Troubleshooting PIMv1 and PIMv2 Interoperability Problems, page 40-33 (optional)
Default Multicast Routing Configuration
Table 40-2 shows the default multicast routing configuration.
Ta ble 40-2 Default Multicast Routing Configuration
Feature Default Setting
Multicast routing Disabled on all interfaces.
PIM version Version 2.
PIM mode No mode is defined.
PIM RP address None configured.
PIM domain border Disabled.