
Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 39 Configuring Ethernet OAM, CFM, and E-LMI
Configuring Ethernet CFM
Use the no form of each command to remove a configuration or to return to the default settings.
Configuring IP SLAs CFM Operation
You can manually configure an individual IP SLAs Ethernet ping or jitter echo operation or you can
configure IP SLAs Ethernet operation with endpoint discovery. You can also configure multiple
operation scheduling. For accurate one-way delay statistics, the clocks on the endpoint switches must be
synchronized. You can configure the endpoint switches with Network Time Protocol (NTP) so that the
switches are synchronized to the same clock source.
For more information about configuring IP SLAs Ethernet operation, see the IP SLAs for Metro-Ethernet
feature module at this URL:
For detailed information about configuring IP SLAs operations, see the Cisco IOS IP SLAs
Configuration Guide, Release 12.4T at this URL:
For detailed information about IP SLAs commands, see the command reference at this URL:
Step 4
mep crosscheck mpid identifier vlan vlan-id [mac
remote MAC address]
Define a remote maintenance end point (MEP) within a
maintenance domain.
For mpid identifier, enter a maintenance end point
identifier. The identifier must be unique for each
VLAN (service instance). The range is 1 to 8191.
For vlan vlan-id, the VLAN range is from 1 to 4095.
(Optional) Specify the MAC address of the remote
Step 5
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6
ethernet cfm mep crosscheck {enable | disable}
level level-id vlan {vlan-id | any}
Enable or disable CFM crosscheck for one or more
maintenance levels and VLANs.
For level level-id, enter a single level ID (0 to 7), a
range of level IDs separated by a hyphen, or a series of
level IDs separated by commas.
For vlan vlan-id, enter the provider VLAN ID or IDs
as a VLAN-ID (1 to 4095), a range of VLAN-IDs
separated by a hyphen, or a series of VLAN IDs
separated by commas, or enter any for any VLAN.
Step 7
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 8
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
Verify the configuration.
Step 9
show ethernet cfm errors Enter this command after you enable CFM crosscheck to
display the results of the crosscheck operation.
Step 10
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose