Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway
Assigning Switch Information
DNS Server Configuration
The DNS server maps the TFTP server name tftpserver to IP address
TFTP Server Configuration (on UNIX)
The TFTP server base directory is set to /tftpserver/work/. This directory contains the network-confg file
used in the two-file read method. This file contains the hostname to be assigned to the switch based on
its IP address. The base directory also contains a configuration file for each switch (switcha-confg,
switchb-confg, and so forth) as shown in this display:
prompt> cd /tftpserver/work/
prompt> ls
prompt> cat network-confg
ip host switcha
ip host switchb
ip host switchc
ip host switchd
DHCP Client Configuration
No configuration file is present on Switch A through Switch D.
Configuration Explanation
In Figure 3-3, Switch A reads its configuration file as follows:
• It obtains its IP address from the DHCP server.
• If no configuration filename is given in the DHCP server reply, Switch A reads the network-confg
file from the base directory of the TFTP server.
• It adds the contents of the network-confg file to its host table.
• It reads its host table by indexing its IP address to its hostname (switcha).
• It reads the configuration file that corresponds to its hostname; for example, it reads switch1-confg
from the TFTP server.
Switches B through D retrieve their configuration files and IP addresses in the same way.
Configuring the DHCP Auto Configuration and Image Update Features
Using DHCP to download a new image and a new configuration to a switch requires that you configure
at least two switches: One switch acts as a DHCP and TFTP server. The client switch is configured to
download either a new configuration file or a new configuration file and a new image file.