Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 33 Configuring QoS
Configuring QoS
Switch(config)# class-map match-any customer1-vlan
Switch(config-cmap)# match vlan 100-105
Switch(config-cmap)# exit
Switch(config)# class-map match-any customer2-vlan
Switch(config-cmap)# match vlan 110-120
Switch(config-cmap)# exit
Switch(config)# policy-map child-policy-1
Switch(config-pmap)# class voice
Switch(config-pmap-c)# police cir 10000000 bc 50000
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# conform-action set-cos-transmit 5
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# exceed-action drop
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# exit
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class video
Switch(config-pmap-c)# set cos 4
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class class-default
Switch(config-pmap-c)# set cos 0
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config)# policy-map child-policy-2
Switch(config-pmap)# class voice
Switch(config-pmap-c)# police cir 5000000
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# conform-action set-cos-transmit 5
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# exceed-action drop
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# exit
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class video
Switch(config-pmap-c)# police cir 40000000
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# conform-action set-cos-transmit 4
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# exceed-action set-cos-transmit 1
Switch(config-pmap-c-police)# exit
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class class-default
Switch(config-pmap-c)# set cos 0
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config)# policy-map uni-parent
Switch(config-pmap)# class customer1-vlan
Switch(config-pmap-c)# service-policy child-policy-1
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config-pmap)# class customer2-vlan
Switch(config-pmap-c)# service-policy child-policy-2
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/1
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-105, 110-120
Switch(config-if)# service-policy input uni-parent
Switch(config-pmap-c)# exit
Configuring Output Policy Maps
You use output policy maps to manage congestion avoidance, queuing, and scheduling of packets leaving
the switch. The switch has four egress queues, and you use output policy maps to control the queue
traffic. You configure shaping, queue-limit, and bandwidth on these queues. You can use high priority