Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco IOS CNS Agents
Displaying CNS Configuration
Note This example shows how to upgrade a switch from a server with the address of
Switch(config)> configure terminal
Switch(config)# ip host cns-dsbu.cisco.com
Switch(config)# cns trusted-server all-agents cns-dsbu.cisco.com
Switch(config)# no cns aaa enable cns event 22022
Switch(config)# cns image retry 1
Switch(config)# cns image server status
Switch(config)# end
You can check the status of the image download by using the show cns image status user EXEC
Displaying CNS Configuration
You can use the privileged EXEC commands in Table 4-2 to display CNS configuration information.
Step 5
cns image retry {number} Specify the number of times to retry and download the
Step 6
cns image server {ip-address} status {ip-address} Download the image from the server to the switch.
Step 7
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Command Purpose
Ta ble 4-2 Displaying CNS Configuration
Command Purpose
show cns config connections Displays the status of the CNS Cisco IOS agent connections.
show cns config outstanding Displays information about incremental (partial) CNS
configurations that have started but are not yet completed.
show cns config stats Displays statistics about the Cisco IOS agent.
show cns event connections Displays the status of the CNS event agent connections.
show cns event stats Displays statistics about the CNS event agent.
show cns event subject Displays a list of event agent subjects that are subscribed to by