Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 11 Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring Parameter Definitions
NIOS Non-Idle Ordered Sets (NIOS) is a count of received packets containing
non-idle ordered sets.
OPR Optical Power Received (OPR) is the measure of average optical power
received as a percentage of the nominal OPT.
OPR-AVG Average Receive Optical Power (dBm).
OPR-MAX Maximum Receive Optical Power (dBm).
OPR-MIN Minimum Receive Optical Power (dBm).
OPT Optical Power Transmitted (OPT) is the measure of average optical power
transmitted as a percentage of the nominal OPT.
OPT-AVG Average Transmit Optical Power (dBm).
OPT-MAX Maximum Transmit Optical Power (dBm).
OPT-MIN Minimum Transmit Optical Power (dBm).
RS-BBE Regenerator Section Background Block Error (RS-BBE) is an errored
block not occurring as part of an SES.
RS-BBER Regenerator Section Background Block Error Ratio (RS-BBER) is the
ratio of BBE to total blocks in available time during a fixed measurement
interval. The count of total blocks excludes all blocks during SESs.
RS-EB Regenerator Section Errored Block (RS-EB) indicates that one or more bits
are in error within a block.
RS-ES Regenerator Section Errored Second (RS-ES) is a one-second period with
one or more errored blocks or at least one defect.
RS-ESR Regenerator Section Errored Second Ratio (RS-ESR) is the ratio of errored
seconds to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement
RS-SES Regenerator Section Severely Errored Second (RS-SES) is a one-second
period which contains 30 percent or more errored blocks or at least one
defect. SES is a subset of ES.
RS-SESR Regenerator Section Severely Errored Second Ratio (RS-SESR) is the ratio
of SES to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement
RS-UAS Regenerator Section Unavailable Second (RS-UAS) is a count of the
seconds when the regenerator section was unavailable. A section becomes
unavailable when ten consecutive seconds occur that qualify as RS-UASs,
and it continues to be unavailable until ten consecutive seconds occur that
do not qualify as RS-UASs.
Rx AISS-P Receive Path Alarm Indication Signal Seconds (AISS-P) means that an
alarm indication signal occurred on the receive end of the path. This
parameter is a count of seconds containing one or more AIS defects.
Rx BBE-P Receive Path Background Block Error (BBE-P) is an errored block not
occurring as part of an SES.
Rx EB-P Receive Path Errored Block (EB-P) indicates that one or more bits are in
error within a block.
Table 11-2 Performance Monitoring Parameters (continued)
Parameter Definition