Part number 550-141-850/06992
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
Control module
The GCM control module responds to signals from the room thermostat, air pressure switch, inlet
water sensor and boiler limit circuit to operate the circulators, gas valve, igniter and blower. When
a room thermostat calls for heat, the GCM starts the system circulator and blower.
The GCM runs the blower long enough to purge the boiler flue passages, then turns on the igniter
and lets it warm up.
After a 15-second warmup, the GCM opens the gas valve, turns the igniter off, and checks for
flame. The flame must come on within 4 seconds or the GCM will shut down and try the full cycle
When the room thermostat is satisfied, the GCM turns off the boiler components and waits for the
next heat call.
The GCM indicator lights show normal sequence when the lights are on steady. When a problem
occurs, the GCM flashes combinations of lights which indicate the most likely reason for the
The control transformer reduces line voltage to 24 volts for the gas valve and limit circuit.
The blower pulls in air and mixes it with gas from the gas valve. The blower forces this mixture into
the burner for combustion inside the boiler chamber.
Air pressure switch
The air pressure switch signals the control module, telling the control module whether air is
moving through the blower.
Water temperature limit switch
The water temperature limit switch turns off the gas valve if the temperature in the boiler goes
above its setting. (The circulators will continue to run as long as there is a call for heat.)
System circulator
The system circulator circulates water through the external (system) piping. The flow rate of the
circulator is controlled by the GCM, depending on the temperature of the water entering the boiler
Bypass circulator
The GCM operates the bypass circulator to mix hot water from the boiler outlet with colder return
water from the system as needed to prevent condensation of flue gases in the boiler.
When the water returning to the boiler is below 130 °F, the GCM regulates the bypass circulator
and system circulator flow rates to raise the return water temperature up to 130 °F before it enters
the boiler sections. By balancing these flow rates, the GCM can protect against condensation even
if return water is as low as 60 °F.
Water temperature sensor
The water temperature sensor monitors the temperature of the water entering the boiler sections.
The sensor sends this information to the GCM. The GCM determines how much to adjust the
circulator flow rates to provide at least 130 °F entering water.
How it works . . .