Downloading Enable
To enable a six-hour downloading window from any system keypad, enter [✱] [6] [Master code] [5].
During this time, the panel will answer incoming downloading calls. For more information, please ask your
Fire Alarm Operation
On a fire alarm, the bell or siren will pulse ON and OFF. The transmission of the alarm to the monitoring
station is delayed for 30 seconds. If the alarm is not cleared within the 30 second delay, then it will be
transmitted to the monitoring station.
To silence the bell or siren, press the [#] key. If the alarm is silenced and the smoke detector is not reset,
the alarm will resound after 90 seconds.
Resetting Smoke Detectors
Once the smoke detector is reset, if it still detects smoke, the alarm sequence will resound as described
above. If there is no smoke, the system will return to normal.
To reset smoke detectors from an LED Keypad:
Press [✱][7][2].
To reset smoke detectors from an LCD Keypad:
Press [✱] to enter the function list. Scroll to find:
Press [✱] to select the output control. The display will read...
Use the arrow (< >) keys to find the following message and press the [✱] key to
NOTE: If you suspect that a fire alarm has transmitted and that there is no fire condition, call the
monitoring station to avoid an unnecessary response.
If a fire condition is apparent, follow your
evacuation plan immediately. If the alarm sounds at night, evacuate immediately.
NOTE: The description above may not be applicable depending on how your installer has
programmed the fire alarm operations on your system. Ask your installer for more information
regarding your system's operation.
Household Fire Safety Audit
Most fires occur in the home. To minimize this danger, we recommend that a household fire safety audit
be conducted and a fire escape plan be developed.
1. Are all electrical appliances and outlets in a safe condition? Check for frayed cords, overloaded
lighting circuits, etc. If you are uncertain about the condition of your electrical appliances or household
service, have a professional evaluate these units.
2. Are all flammable liquids stored safely in closed containers in a well ventilated cool area? Cleaning
with flammable liquids should be avoided.
3. Are fire hazardous materials (matches) well out of reach of children?
4. Are furnaces and wood burning appliances properly installed, clean and in good working order? Have
a professional evaluate these appliances.
Press (*) For <>
Output Control
Select Output <>
Command Output #1
Select Output <>
Command Output #2