Updating/Restoring the Bootloaders
■ To assign a dynamic address, use the following:
EVM # dhcp
EVM # setenv ipaddr <IP address returned by dhcp>
2) Set the TFTP server IP address:
EVM # setenv serverip <TFTP server IP address>
3) Save these settings to the flash memory:
EVM # saveenv
4) Load U-Boot. To load U-Boot, the U-Boot image must be copied to
the TFTP directory (usually /tftpboot), and the tftp command must
specify both the image name and the destination address. In this
case, the destination is in DDR memory starting at address
0x80700000, chosen arbitrarily in the DDR space.
EVM # tftp 0x80700000 <u-boot file name>
5) Erase the U-Boot location at the "U-Boot Load Address" shown in the
previous table for your NAND device with a size that is larger than the
"Bytes transferred" value from Step 4.
EVM # nand erase <U-Boot Load Address> 0x20000
6) Flash the new U-Boot from 0x80700000 to the U-Boot Load Address
shown in the previous table for the corresponding NAND device.
EVM # nand write 80700000 <U-Boot Load Address> 20000
7) Power cycle the board or type "reset" to reboot. Verify that the
recently flashed U-Boot is working by inspecting the build date on the
serial terminal console output.
NAND Device
U-Boot Load
Boot device U6
512 MB 64 MB x 8 0x18000
Storage Device U67
2 GB not accessible from