With Date/Time in Control Panel, you can configure date and time of the terminal using the
Date/Time Properties window. Select a month using the arrow buttons and click a date. To
change the AM/PM, hour, minutes, and seconds of the current time, click in each item and
then enter a value directly or click the arrows buttons. In addition, if you want your terminal's
clock to be adjusted automatically when daylight saving time changes, check the
Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes check box.
With Certificates in Control Panel, you can import, view or remove a certificate. A certificate
can be imported from a file or smart card. If your terminal does not provides a smart card
reader, the smart card item is displayed deactivated when you click Import. If you click
Remove with a certificate selected, it will be deleted immediately without displaying any
confirmation message. If you want to save a deleted certificate again, click Control Panel ->
System and check the Reset the terminal to factory default settings checkbox.
Software Setup
With Software Setup in Control Panel, you can update modules. Click Add and enter the IP
address of the host PC that contains update files. Your monitor will connect to the host PC,
download update files and update modules. Update progressions are displayed on
message boxes or on the status bar. When the updates finishes, click Close and restart
your terminal. When restarted, open the Software Setup window and you can identify the
name, version, and size of installed programs.
With Network in Control Panel, you can view the list of adapters installed in the terminal. To
change the properties of an adapter, click Properties after selecting it. You can change IP
address and host PC’s name.