*Pconst is the proportional ratio
which causes the boiler to step up
or down, faster or slower (over-
shoot or undershoot) and finally
end up offset from desired tem-
perature. Default is 1/3.
*Dconst is the derivative ratio
which tells the system how first to
react to differing changes in water
temperature. Default is 3/1.
*Wait is the time controller waits
until it acts on a temperature
change. Default value is 5 sec-
Proportional ratio which causes the boiler to step up or down, faster or slower.
Wait as time controller hesitates before acting on a temperature change.
Derivative ratio speeds or slows boiler response compensating for overshoot and undershoot.
Boiler Valve Timing
Boiler Valve Timing
Information only
u= UP Boiler Number Displays in seconds real time opening and closing
d = DOWN of modulating gas valve from closed (0%) to full open (100%)
This display shows the time (secs) required for the gas valve to open and close. If "u"
display is from 12 to 26 and "d" is less than "u" and between 4 and 18 the gas valve
requires no adjustment. This timing is not operator changeable on the screen display.
Proportional Integral
Derivative Operator
Manual Action (PIDOMA) A.Proportional Integral Derivative
Operator Manual Action
Page 33
APconst W a i t Dcon s t
Val ve T im ing
# X: XXu XXd s ec .