Monessen Hearth PL20 Indoor Fireplace User Manual

Parlor Vent Free Fireplace
The millivolt system and individual components may be checked with a millivolt meter having
a 0-1000 mV range. Conduct each check shown in chart below by connection meter test leads
to terminals as indicated.
a. If the reading is more than 100 millivolts and the automatic valve still does not come on,
replace the control.
b. If the closed circuit reading (“A” reading) is less than 100 millivolts, determine cause for
low reading, proceed to Section B below.
1. Check gas pressure to the unit. If gas pressure is within minimum and maximum on data
plate, then check pilot voltage, 35 millivolts minimum. If the minimum millivolt reading is
not obtainable, replace pilot.
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A Complete  & 3 Closed Closed
B Thermopile 1 &  Open Open