Pub. 988-0154-442
Electronic Thru-Hull Temp Sensor
Installation and Configuration Instructions
This document shows how to install an EP-80R TH thru-hull temp sen-
sor and how to connect it to a NMEA 2000
network. It also provides
instructions on how to configure your temp sensor with Lowrance digi-
tal gauges (LMF-200 & LMF-400) and display units.
NMEA 2000 is the communication bus standard developed by the Na-
tional Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) for use in boats.
Lowrance has introduced a line of products that can communicate over
a NMEA 2000 network (LowranceNet).
All Lowrance NMEA 2000 capable devices are either NMEA 2000 certi-
fied or certification is pending.
Installing LowranceNET NMEA 2000 devices is significantly
different from installing earlier Lowrance components without
NMEA 2000 features. You should read all of the installation in-
structions before proceeding. Decide where you want to install
all components before drilling any holes in your vessel.
Some sonar or GPS units may require a software upgrade to display
NMEA 2000 data correctly. For free software upgrades or additional
information on the LowranceNet NMEA 2000
network system, visit
our web site, www.lowrance.com.
The EP-80R TH temperature sensor.
Red NMEA 2000
temp sensor