OFF Position: Step on the back half of the
pedal to turn off the agitator for use on bare
In the OFF position, the agitator does not
rotate_This setting should be used for
cleaning hardwood and tile floors
Note: The light will remain on when vacu-
uming with the agitator in the OFF Position,
provided the vacuum is not fully upright.
ON Position: Step on the front half of the
pedal to turn on the agitator for use on car-
In the ON position, the agitator will turn.
When carpets are being cleaned the selec-
tor should be in this position.
Attention: Refer to your carpet manufac-
turers cleaning recommendations. Some
more delicate carpets may require that they
be vacuumed with the agitator turned off, to
prevent carpet damage.
Personal Injury Hazard
DO NOT place hands or feet under-
neath the unit when changing the
Agitator On/Off Selector to the On
position. The agitator begins to
revolve rapidly.
Tool _._.
Dusting Hose
Identify each of the attachments shown
Remove the lower end of the stretch hose
from the cleaner by grasping the hose col-
lar,twisting and pulling straight out.. The
attachments can now be added to the hose,
Note: The agitator wil!not rotate if the hose
has been removed from the nozzle,,
NOTE: The motor protector may open when
using attachments or when cleaning new
carpet, due to reduced airflow by the attach-
rnents themselves or by new carpet fuzz fill-
ing the bag quickly. See the
Electrical Shock And Personal Injury
Disconnect electrical supply before
servicing or cleaning the unit.
Failure to do so could result in elec-
trical shock or personal injury from
.....clea,n,ersuddenly starting.