IPGSM-DPC Commercial Fire Communicator – Installation and Setup Guide
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General Information
The IPGSM-DPC Commercial Fire Communicator (henceforth referred to as IPGSM-DPC) includes
everything you need to upgrade a commercial fire system that previously reported by POTS to a system that
uses the Internet as its primary reporting path, and uses a GSM cellular reporting path as a backup. In
addition, this communicator utilizes a sophisticated power module (PowerBoost1) that monitors and reports
AC power loss, low battery, and missing battery conditions.
Package Contents
Red Fire Cabinet and Back Plate Antenna and Mounting Adapter Mounting Rails (for above)
Cam Lock with Key PowerBoost1 Hardware Bag
Dialer Capture Module Battery harness/fuse (# 100-02415) Transformer, 18VAC
iGSM Communications Module Ferrite Filter (# 1451-UL9)
50 ohm cable assembly LED Display board
Compatible Fire Panels
The IPGSM-DPC works with:
All Fire Panels that are listed in the table below.
All Fire Panels that use the Contact ID communication format as described in the SIA DC-05
IMPORTANT: For a fire panel that has more than 9 active partitions, the first 9 partitions are
reported to the central station uniquely. Beyond 9 partitions, only the 2nd digit of the partition is
reported along with a leading zero (example partition 14 is reported as 04). The installer must
inform the central station of this condition.
The IPGSM-DPC is compatible with the Honeywell brand FACP’s listed below when the model
659EN Line Fault Monitor is installed.
Honeywell Fire Panel Communicator
411 family two
411UD family two
411UDAC family two
FireWarden-100-2C family three
FireWarden-100-2C-FR family three
FireWarden-50C family two
FireWarden-50C-FR family two
MS-10UD-7C family three
MS-10UD-7C-FR family one (requires UDACT)
MS-25C family four
MS-5UD-7C family three
MS-5UD-7C-FR family one (requires UDACT)
MS-9050UDC family two
MS-9050UDC-FR family two
MS-9200UDLSC family three
MS-9200UDLSC-FR family three
MS-9600LSC family three
Use the DACT-UD2 product to
interface the IPGSM-DPC.
Honeywell Fire Panel Communicator
MS-9600LSC-FR family three
Use the DACT-UD2 product to
interface the IPGSM-DPC.
NFS2-3030 family one (requires UDACT)
NFS2-3030-FR family one (requires UDACT)
NFS2-640 family one (requires UDACT)
NFS2-640-FR family one (requires UDACT)
NFS-320 family one (requires UDACT)
NFS-320C family one (requires UDACT)
NFS-320C-FR family one (requires UDACT)
NFS-320SYS family one (requires UDACT)
NFS-320SYS-FR family one (requires UDACT)
NSP-25C family four
SFP-10UDC family three
SFP-10UDC-FR family three
SFP-5UDC family three
SFP-5UDC-FR family three