M-511401 96d User Manual 57
8/10 Honeywell
System Programming
Config Menu
Scroll through the main Config menu screens using the left (previous) or
right (next) keypad arrows.
The third main screen in the Config menu allows the relay configuration
to be set, the AP broadcast mode and to select from four separate
manufacturers for the given controller.
When Relay Configuration is selected, two further options to configure
the relays are available: The first screen, Failsafe, appears allowing
the failsafe to be activated for all relays using the Enter keypad button.
This function is used in case of a power failure: if power is cut, the relay
will activate the connected device (ex. a light) to signal the problem.
Scrolling to the right displays the “Silence” screen that enables or
disables the silence option for each relay, using the Enter keypad
6. Config
Relay Configuration
AP Brdcst: auto
Relay Configuration
All relays
Relay Configuration
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