Operating Modes
Operating Modes (Chime, Voice, and Voice Chime)
Operating modes allows you to turn the TouchCenter chime mode on
or off. Additionally, when using the 6271V and 6271CV you may also
turn the voice mode on or off. The operating modes provide the
following features:
• Chime Mode – When selected, a request is sent to the alarm panel
requesting that the panel chime the TouchCenter whenever a
change in zone status occurs.
• Voice Mode (6271V and 6271CV Only) – When selected, a request
is sent to the alarm panel requesting that the panel initiate
TouchCenter voice annunciation whenever a change in system
status occurs such as Armed, Disarmed, or Alarms.
• Voice Chime Mode (6271V and 6271CV Only) – The chime mode
and voice mode are in effect with the chime followed by voice
Language Selection
The 6271C, 6271CS, and 6271CB allows you to select from three
different languages, (English, French and Spanish) with the default
being English.