been made to assure that the duct system has the capacity to handle the air required for the unit application. If ducting
is too small, as in replacement of heating only systems, larger ductwork should be installed. All existing ductwork should
be checked for leaks and repairs made accordingly. The duct systems and diffusers should be sized to handle the design
airow quietly. If air noise or excessive airow is a problem, the blower speed can be changed to a lower speed to reduce
airow. This will reduce the performance of the unit slightly in heating; however, it will increase the temperature rise across
the air coil. Airow must still meet minimum requirements.
Equipment Selection
The following guidelines should be used when mating an Envision Split to an air handler/coil.
Select R-410A components only.
Match the air handler to the air handler coil data table.
Indoor matching adjustable TXV is factory installed on every air handler/coil. Fixed orice or cap tube systems
should not be used.
Utilizing Existing Coil or Air Handler
It is recommended that a new R-410A air handler be installed with an Envision Split considering the long term benets
of reliability, warranty, etc. versus the short term installation cost savings. However, the existing air handler may be retained
provided the following:
Coil currently is R-410A rated
Coil uses a TXV. No capillary or xed orice systems should be used
A life expectancy of more than 7 years remaining for the air handler and components
General Installation Information (cont.)