
EyeTV Software Manual
PreferencesChapter 7
Chapter 7 · Preferences
This chapter will show you how to use the EyeTV Preferences menu item
to configure EyeTV to your specific needs.
You can open the Preferences by clicking on the EyeTV menu and selecting
Preferences…, or by pressing z-, (comma). Here you can adjust your EyeTV
settings to suit your personal preferences. There are seven sections in the pref-
erences dialog box: General, Recording, Controls, Guide, Display, Sound and
Device Settings.
General Preferences
Start EyeTV when device is plugged in - Check this box to have the EyeTV soft-
ware launch automatically when you plug in the EyeTV unit to your Macintosh.
Uncheck this box if you prefer to launch EyeTV manually. If you want EyeTV to
wake from sleep, auto-launch, or boot the system for scheduled recordings, this
box must be checked (see Chapter 5, Advanced Recording Features).
Always open Live TV window at startup - Check this box to open a Live TV win-
dow whenever EyeTV is launched. If unchecked, EyeTV will remember the last
state of the window.