
EyeTV Software Manual
Chapter 4 · Programs Window
The total amount of schedules is listed in the Categories column, next to the
Schedules section.
Managing Schedules
To add a manually scheduled program, select the Schedules section, click the
New button at the top of the window and fill in the program’s parameters, in-
cluding Title, Episode, Description, Date and Time (When), Duration, Repeats
and what channel or input (Where).
You can also set a schedule to add its recording to a particular Playlist, and to
export to the iPod format after recording completes. That will export to a MPEG-
4 format, and add the item to an “EyeTV” playlist in the iTunes Library.
To add a schedule using the EyeTV Program Guide, select the Program Guide
section. This section brings up information about upcoming programs, using
information from TitanTV, tvtv, or other sources, depending on your location.
Clicking the red RECORD button next to a program tells EyeTV to schedule the
program to be automatically recorded. For more details, refer to the Program
Guide section of this chapter, and Chapter 6.
Once a schedule is created, it will appear in the Schedules section with an icon
of a clock next to it. The checkbox to the left of the schedule’s name allows
you to enable or disable it. Only enabled schedules will create recordings; dis-
able a recording if you don’t want to use it now, but perhaps want to turn it on
again later.