CP&S control panel part no. and brand
Number of pumps operated by control panel
NOTE: At no time should holes be made in top of control panel, unless proper sealing devices are utilized.
Control panel manufactured by others
Company name
Model number
Short circuit protection Type
Number and size of short circuit device(s) Amp rating
Overload type Size Amp rating
Do protection devices comply with pump and motor Amp rating?
Are all connections tight?
Is the interior of the panel dry?
Single Phase:
Voltage supply at panel line connection, Pump Off, L1, L2
Voltage supply at panel line connection, Pump On, L1, L2
Amperage: Load connection, Pump On L1 L2
Three Phase:
Voltage supply at panel line connection, Pump Off, L1 - L2 L2 - L3 L3 - L1
Voltage supply at panel line connection, Pump On, L1 - L2 L2 - L3 L3 - L1
Amperage: Load connection, Pump On L1 L2 L3
Is pump seated on discharge properly? Check for leaks?
Does check valve(s) operate properly?
Flow, Does station appear to operate at proper rate? Pump down time
Noise level: High Medium Low
Equipment diffi culties during start-up:
Has operator received pump instructions and parts manual?
Has operator received electrical control panel diagram?
Has operator been briefed on Warranty?
Address of local CP&S Representative/Distributor:
I have received the above information (Name of Operator)
Name of Company
I Certify this report to be accurate (Name of Start-Up person)
Employed By: Date:
Date and time of Start-Up
Present at Start-Up
( ) Engineer: ( ) Operator:
( ) Contactor: ( ) Other:
To be fi lled out by factory:
Start-Up form checked by: Date warranty registration mailed: