Before you begin, su_ey your garage area to
see whether any of the conditions below apply
Based on your particular requirements, there are
severaI installation steps which might call for
materials and!or hardware not included in the carton.
,_Step 1 page ! 2 - Look at the wail or ceiling above
the garage door. The header bracket must be
securety fastened to stn3ctura_ sup_rts.
,, Step 5, page 17 - Do you have a finished ceiling in
your garage? if so, a suppo_ bracket and
additional fastening hardware may be required.
Safety* reve_ing sensor, page 21 _Depending
upon gauge constructioe, wo¢_ blocks may need
to be fastened to mounting locations before
sensors are installed.
, Step 10, page 22 _Alternate floor mounting of the
safety reversing sensor will require hardware not
, Step 11, page 24 oDo you have a steel, aluminum,
fiberglass or g!_ss panel dood* if so, hodzontai
and recital reinforcement is required.
, Look at the garage door where it meets the fioor.
it must close o# the floor sit the way across.
Other_wlse, the safety reverse system may _ot
work properlyo See page 30. Floor or d_r should
be repaired.
oThe opener c_ be installed within 2 feet of the ieR
or dght of the door _e_er if there is a torsion spnng
or center bearing plate in the way d the header
bracket or d_r bracket area_ if.your door has
the opener must be insta#ed
in the center of the d_ See pages 12 &qd 24.
• Do you have _q a_ess door in addition to the
garage d_ if not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Re_ease is required, See page 38.
, If your door is more than 7 feet high, see the longer
raiis available on page 38,
You may find it helpful to refer back to this page as you proceed with the _nstaitatton of your opener: