Assemblethe DoorArm:
,, Fasten the straight and curved door am_ secl,ions
toge_er to lhe longest possible length (with a 2 or
. With the door closed, connect the straight door
am s_tion to the door bracket with a c_evis pin
, Secure with a ring fastener.
On one-pie_e doo_, before connedJng _e d_r a_ to the trolby the t_.¢el limits must _ a_usted. Um_ adiustment
screws are I<%atedon the/eft side panei as shown on page 28. Follow adiustment pnx:edures below
J ........ C_
E#_ck_a_d S_&nt
Adiustment Proc_ures for One-Pi_e Doors
Ope_ Door Adjustment:
Decrease UP limit
- Turn the UP t_mitadiustment screw counter,-
cl_kwise 5-1/2 turns
• Press the Wai_ Controt push bar or button. The
troliey witl travel to the fully open _sition.
- Manu_ly raise the door to the open position
(paralle_ to the floor), and _iflthe door arm to the
trolley_ The a_m shouid touch the trolley lust in
back of the door arm connecter hole. Refer to the
fully open trolley/door am positio_ in the
illustratiom If the arm does not extend far enough,
adjust the _imitfu_her. One full turn equals 2" of
Closed Door Adjustment:
D_rease DOWN limit
Turn the DOWN Iim}t adiustment screw cbckwise 5
• Press _he Wa{_Cont_)I push bar or button. The
troliey wiIt trave_ to the fully ctosed position.
. Manually etose the door and iiff _e d_r arm to the
troltey. The arm should touch the trolley just ahead
of the door arm connector hob. Refer _othe fufty
c_osed trolley/door arm positions in the iliustratiom if
_he am is beh}nd the connector ho_e, adiust the iimit
further. One ftJl_turn equals 2" of troliey travei
Connect the door arm to the trolley
. Close the door and ioin the eu_ed arm to the connector hole in [he trot_ey with the remaining clevis pin. It may
be necessa_ to lift the door slightly to make the connection,
- Secure with a nng fastener.
. Run the opener through a comptete travel cycled if the door has a slight "backward" slant in fu_l open position
as shown in the illustration, decrease the UP limit until the d_r is paraItel to the floor.