Receiver and Remote Control Programming
To comply wt_ F'CC Pates adiustmenl or modifications of _his
receiver _n(_/or _rar_smi_er ere prohibited e×cepl k)_' changing
the code $et_ ng or _eplacieg _he bsttery_ THERE ARE NO
Models with 3-function remote controls: The
remote contro!(s) has been factory set to operate
with the large push button. However, you can use
either of the two smart bu_ons, if you prefen And,
the 34unction remote @ntroi(s) _n a_ activate
additional garage door openers andtor _ightcontrols,
Below are instru_ions for programming your opener
to match the other buttons on your remote controls
and any additional remote controls you may
}urchase_ See availaMe accessories on page 38.
Models with a single4unction remote control:
The garage door wilt operate when you press the
remote control push button. Refer to the information
betow if you _;,ant to add a 3 funclion remote cmntrol
or erase ysur programmed code.
53000SRT Series Garage Door Openers
(With "SRT" Bu_on)
Your "SRT ° garage door opener will operate with as
many as four "SRT" po_le remote controis and
one Mufti_Function Key_ess Ent_
Children operating or p_aylng with a garage
door opener can injure themse|ves or others.
The garage door could cfose and cause
serious injury or death. Do not allow children
tO operate the wat| push button(s) or remote
A moving garage doer could injure or kill
someone under it_ Activate the opener only
when you can see the door c|ear|y, it is free of
obstructions, and is properly adjusted.
Figure 1
S|ngle Function
M|R_ 3-Fan.ion Remote Control
_o# to _te O_er
To Add A Remote Control
1 Se/e_ a remote contro_ push button to operate
the receiver
2. Press and hold the selected remote control push
button, Figure t.
3 Then press and release the "SR7_' button on the
back panel of the opener, Figure 2 The opener
light will flash once.
Now the opener will operate when the remote
control push bu_on is pressed.
If you re_ease the remote control push butlon
before the opener Hght flashes, the opener wHI
To Change the Selected Push Button
On the Same Remote Control
if you decide to use a different remote control button
than originally programmed into the opener, you
need to erase aNthe Iearn_ c_es and reprogram
each remote _ntrol used to operate the garage
Standard 3.oFunction Remote Control
Figure 2
Garage Door Opener
(With "SmaW' Bu_on)
To Erase All Remote Control Codes
, Press and ho[d the °SRT° button on the opener
panel until the indicator light turns off (about 6
seconds). All the codes the opener has learned
will be erased.
To repro]ram, repeat Steps 1,2 and 3 for each
remote centre[ in use
Code programming instructions are also located