ins aliat on Step 9
Electrical Requirements
"Toreduce the dsk of eleetdc shock, your garage
door opener has a grounding type plug with a third
grounding pin. This pbg will only fit into a grounding
If the plug doesnt fit into the outlet you have,
conta_ a qu_ifi_d el6_Cia_ to install the pro_r
"Toavoid inataflatlOn difficulties,
do not run the opener at this time,
If permanent wiring is required by your local code, refer to the following procedure:
To prevent eiectrocufion, remove power from
the garage door opener and from the circuit
you plan to use for the permanent connection,
To make a permanent oannection through the
718_diameter hole in the top of the opener
(according to I_l code):
Remove the opener cover screws and set the
cover aside_
Remove the attached 3 prong cord
, Connect the black (line) wire to the screw on the
b_ass terminal;: the white (neutral) wire to the
screw on the shyer terminal7 and td-_eground wire
to the green ground screw. The opener must be
o Reinstall the cover.
To avoid insfatlation dtfficutties_
do not run the opener at this time.