Bryant 558D Heating System User Manual

D. Accessory Installation
At this time, any required accessories should be installed on
the unit. Control wiring information is provided in the unit
wiring diagram. Refer to Accessory Installation Instructions
provided with accessory.
E. Optional Outdoor-Air Damper Installation
The outdoor-air hood and screen are attached to the basepan
at the bottom of the unit for shipping.
1. Determine quantity of ventilation required for building.
Record amount for use in Step 8.
2. Remove filter access panel by raising panel and swing-
ing panel outward. Panel is now disengaged from track
and can be removed. No tools are required to remove fil-
ter access panel. Remove and save outdoor-air opening
panel and screws. See Fig. 15.
3. Separate hood and screen from basepan by removing the
4 screws and brackets securing them. Save all screws
and discard brackets.
4. Replace outdoor-air opening panel.
5. Place hood on front of outdoor air opening panel. See
Fig. 16 for hood details. Secure top of hood with the
4 screws removed in Step 3. See Fig. 17.
6. Remove and save 6 screws (3 on each side) from sides of
the manual outdoor-air damper assembly.
7. Align screw holes on hood with screw holes on side of
manual outdoor-air damper assembly. See Fig. 16 and
17. Secure hood with 6 screws from Step 6.
8. For proper quantity of ventilation air, adjust minimum
position setting of the damper blade by adjusting the
manual outdoor-air adjustment screws on the front of
the damper blade. See Fig. 15. Slide blade vertically un-
til it is in the appropriate position determined by
Fig. 18. Tighten screws.
9. Remove and save 4 screws currently on sides of hood.
Insert screen. Secure screen to hood using the 4 screws.
See Fig. 17.
Fig. 15 Damper Panel With Outdoor-Air
Damper Installed
Fig. 17 — Manual Outdoor-Air Damper With Hood Attached
Fig. 18 Position Setting
Fig. 16 Outdoor-Air Hood Details