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ASSA General Information
General Information
Red Core
ovides temporary construction cores (red cores) for its interchangeable core cylinders upon request.
Red cores are invoiced at $77.00 and upon return to ASSA, credit will be issued for the full amount less a
50% handling fee. Request for credit must be made in writing to ASSA Customer Service referencing the
original invoice upon which the red cores appear. KEYS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF THE RED CORE
AND ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR RETURN. All cut keys are invoiced at $11.50 list each.
To order interchangeable core cylinders with temporary cores, specify cylinder model number, Cam, finish, by
RED CORE, example, E6552ICR-1 x 626 x RED CORE. Cylinder will be charged at COMP price. To order red core
separately, specify 70600ICR. Specify change keys as TWIN-KD-RED and control keys as TWIN-CT-RED.
Master Keying
win locks and cylinders may be master keyed to meet virtually any requirement. Contact the Key Records
Department to discuss special needs. Master keying and bitting charges are shown on page 15.
Standard finishes are shown below. Antique brass (609) is available for deadbolts only.
ASSA Equivalent
BHMA Symbol U.S. Symbol Euro Finish Description
625 US 26 11 Bright Chrome
626 US 26D 13 Satin Chrome
605 US 3 20 Bright Brass
606 US 4 23 Satin Brass
609 US 5 47 Antique Brass
624 US 10B 46 Dark Oxidized
612 US 10 33 Satin Bronze
Special Function Cylinders
ASSA offers two special function cylinders most commonly used in the Detention market. One is a directional
cylinder, which is operated bi-directionally by one key and in one direction only (clockwise or counterclockwise)
by a subordinate key. This special function is accomplished by a modification to the cylinder plug. The necessity
for this product is clear; to provide functionality in the system design. However, due to the physical modification
of the plug when used in a master key system, the potential size of the master key system will be reduced.
The second special function is a limited rotation cylinder. This cylinder requires two modifications and will be
used in conjunction with a dir
ectional function. One key will operate bi-dir
ectionally 360º and only one dir
(clockwise or counter-clockwise) by a subordinate key stopping at a determined position prior to 180º. These
modifications will greatly reduce the potential of a master key system.
It is essential to indicate all special function cylinders in the initial master key system design. Other
wise they
may not be possible as part of the master key system.
Special function cylinders ar
e offered in limited models and are indicated by a symbol:
† Prefixing the model number specifies available in special function.
How to order
Model No.
ofile - Side Bar
Specify V8551CW-14.............626 ...............95 – 888 (For Directional Cylinders)
Specify V8551WL-14 .............626 ...............95 – 888 (For Limited Rotation Cylinders)