Thank you for choosing an ADT security system. We appreciate your business.
To get the most from the easy-to-use ADT security system, please take the time to read this manual. It describes
the components of the system and tells you how to use the keypad. It also tells you what to do in the event of an
alarm. Please also be sure to read your Customer Emergency Information Schedule so that you will have a clear
understanding of ADT procedures should you experience an alarm event.
Important Note: Although the system installed in your home may feature components that display a name other
than ADT, rest assured that your monitoring service is being provided by ADT.
If you have any questions about the security system, visit www.MyADT.com or call the ADT Customer Care
team at 800.445.0872. We are here to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you have any questions about the
ADT Security System, visit
or call the ADT Customer Care
team at 800.445.0872.
We are here to assist you
24 hours a day, seven days
a week.