ADT Security Services BHS-3000C Home Security System User Manual

Communication Problem Indication
What it means: The system was unable to send an alarm or test signal to the ADT Customer Monitoring Center.
What you’ll notice: The keypad beeps four times per minute. If you have a Premium keypad, the message window
reads: CP TROUBLE, CALL 800.445.0872.
1. To silence the keypad’s beeping, press the CANCEL key.
2. Check your telephone for a dial tone. If there is no dial tone, remove the dialer cable
from the telephone jack. This disconnects the system from the telephone line. It will not
be able to send an alarm signal to the ADT Customer Monitoring Centers.
3. Check your telephone for a dial tone. If the dial tone returns, call ADT Customer Care at
800.445.0872 for assistance.
4. If there is no dial tone, plug the dialer cable back into the telephone jack. Contact
your telephone company for service.
Until the telephone service is repaired, no alarm signals will be sent to ADT. However,
the system should still work within your home.
For your protection, it is very important that you resolve this problem quickly.