
TABLE42 Connectivity Map- TCPIP Outbound Settings(V3) (Continued)
Name Description
SoTimeout The value ofthe SoTimeout in milliseconds. You canenter a value greater than or
equal to zero(0). When set to zero (0),the timeout is innite.
With this optionset to a non-zero value, callingthe read() method on the input
stream associated withthis socket will block for onlythe congured length of
time. Ifthe timeout expires, a java.io.InterruptedIOException or
java.net.SocketTimeoutException is thrown, but thesocket remains valid.
Enable this optionprior to entering the blocking operation.
TcpNoDelay An indicator ofwhether data packets that are smallerthan the maximum transfer
unit (MTU) sizeare sent out immediately over thenetwork (this refers to Nagle’s
algorithm). Select oneof the following options:
True Indicates that theserver allows data packets that aresmaller than the
MTU size tobe sent out immediately over thenetwork. This can improve
performance for higher-speednetworks.
False Indicates that theserver does not allow datapackets that are less than
the MTU sizebe sent out immediately over thenetwork.
This is usedfor the accepted client socket.
Socket Factory
The name ofthe Java class thatimplements the socket factory. Thisclass is used to
create the socket.If you have provided yourown socket implementation, enter
the name ofthe Java class thatcontains this implementation here. Thefactory
implementation class mustimplement the
com.stc.connector.tcpip.model.factory.TCPIPSocketFactory interface.
The default valueis
TCPIP Outbound Settings - Client Connection
Establishment — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound Adapter
The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Client Connection
Establishment page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These
properties congure how connections are established. This section is only used when the
Connection Type under TCPIP Outbound Settings is set to Client.
TABLE 43 Connectivity Map -TCPIP Outbound Settings (V3) - ClientConnection Establishment
Name Description
Time ToWait Before
Attempting Connection
The length oftime (in milliseconds) the adapter waitsbefore attempting to
connect to theexternal system.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 83