
TABLE 8 Connectivity Map -TCPIP Inbound Schedules -Service Schedule (Continued)
Name Description
At FixedRate An indicator ofwhether a xed-rate execution or xed-delayexecution is used.
This property appliesto the Timer Service conguration only,and is used when
the Schedule Type property is set to Repeated. Select true to indicate xed-rate;
select false to indicatexed-delay.
Fixed-Rate Each executionis scheduled relative to the scheduledtime of
the initial execution.If an execution is delayedfor any reason (such as
garbage collection orother background activity), two or moreexecutions
occur in rapidsuccession to “catch up.” In the longrun, the frequency of
execution is exactlythe reciprocal of the specied period,assuming the
system clock underlyingObject.wait(long) is accurate.
Fixed-Delay Each executionis scheduled relative to the actualtime of the
previous execution. If an executionis delayed for any reason (suchas garbage
collection or otherbackground activity), subsequent executions are delayed
as well. As a result,the frequency of execution is generallyslightly lower than
the reciprocal ofthe specied period, assuming the systemclock underlying
Object.wait(long) is accurate.
HL7 Acknowledgment — TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound
The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the HL7 Acknowledgment
page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties dene how
the application acknowledgment events are handled.
TABLE9 Connectivity Map- HL7 Acknowledgment
Name Description
AcknowledgmentLevel An indicator ofwhether the external application sends anAcknowledgement
after successfully receivinga message, or after the messagehas been successfully
committed to theapplication database. Select one of thefollowing options:
A Applicationacknowledgment. The acknowledgement is sentafter the
message is successfullyand functionally processed by one receivingsystem.
C Commit (accept) acknowledgment.The acknowledgement is sent when
the message issuccessfully received.
TCP/IPHL7V2AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 39