
TABLE28 Connectivity Map- TCPIP InboundSettings (V3) (Continued)
Name Description
ServerSO Timeout The value (inmilliseconds) of the SO_TIMEOUT parameter for ServerSocket.The
timeout must begreater than zero (0). A timeoutof zero is interpreted as an
innite timeout.
This value isused for the ServerSocket.accept() method. When thisoption is
set to anon-zero timeout, calling accept() for thisServerSocket will block for
the congured lengthof time. If the timeoutexpires, a
java.net.SocketTimeoutException (or java.net.InterruptedIOException)
is thrown, butthe ServerSocket remains valid.
Enable this optionprior to entering the blocking operation.This property is only
used when the Connection Type property is set to Server.
Server SocketFactory
The name ofthe Java class thatimplements the server socket factory.This class is
used to createthe server socket. If youhave provided your own serversocket
implementation, enter thename of the Java class thatcontains this
implementation here. Thefactory implementation class must implement the
com.stc.connector.tcpip.model.factory.TCPIPSocketFactory interface. A
default interface,
KeepAlive An indicator ofwhether the client’s SO_KEEPALIVE option is enabledor
disabled. Select true toenable SO_KEEPALIVE; otherwise, select false.
When the optionis enabled for a TCP socketand no data has been exchanged
across the socketin either direction for two hours,TCP automatically sends a
KEEPALIVE probe to thepeer (the actual value is implementationdependent).
This probe isa TCP segment to which thepeer must respond. One of three
responses is expected:
1. The peer respondswith the expected ACK. The applicationis not notied
(since everything isOK). TCP will send anotherprobe following another two
hours of inactivity.
2. The peer respondswith an RST, which tells thelocal TCP that the peer host
has gone downand rebooted. The socket is closed.
3. There is noresponse from the peer. The socketis closed. The purpose of this
option is todetect if the peer host hascrashed. This is used for theaccepted
client Socket.
Note Forsome properties, the serversocket itself doesnot have directproperty
settings associated withit. Instead, the properties mapto the accepted client
TCP/IPHL7V3AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200966