TABLE42 Connectivity Map- TCPIP Outbound Settings(V3) (Continued)
Name Description
Receive Buer Size A number indicatingthe receive buer size. This isthe value of the SO_RCVBUF
option for thecurrent socket, which is the buersize used by the operating system
for input onthis socket. It provides anestimate of the size of theunderlying
buers used bythe platform for incoming network I/O.
When used inset mode, this is a suggestionfor the kernel from the application
regarding the sizeof buers to use for thedata to be received over thesocket.
When used inget mode, this must return theactual size of the buer usedby the
platform when receivingdata on this socket.
Send Buer Size A number indicatingthe send buer size. This isthe value of the SO_SNDBUF
option for thecurrent socket, which is the buersize used by the operating system
for output onthis socket. It provides anestimate of the size of theunderlying
buers used bythe platform for outgoing network I/O.
When used inset mode, this is a suggestionfor the kernel from the application
regarding the sizeof buers to use for thedata to be sent over thesocket. When
used in getmode, this must return the actualsize of the buer used bythe
platform when sendingout data on this socket.
SoLinger An indicator ofwhether the adapter performs a “linger-on-close”timeout. This
option disables orenables an immediate return from acall to the close() method
for a TCPSocket. To enable the linger-on-close timeout,select true; otherwise,
select false.
If youenable this property, specify the maximumlength of the timeout inthe
SoLinger Timeout property.
SoLinger Timeout The server’s linger–on–close timeout in seconds. Use SoLinger Timeout when
SoLinger is set totrue (see the description forSoLinger above). You can specify
an integer between-1 and 65535. The default is-1 seconds, which indicates that
the SoLinger option isdisabled.
When SoLinger is set to true, the SoLinger Timeout value indicates the
A non-zero integermeans that calling close() willblock pending the
transmission and acknowledgementof all data written to thepeer. When all
data is written,the socket is closed gracefully. Uponreaching the linger
timeout value speciedhere, the socket is closed forcefullywith a TCP RST. If
the specied timeoutvalue exceeds 65,535 it will bereduced to 65,535.
A zero integermeans that a forceful closeis performed immediately.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200982