TABLE39 Connectivity Map- HL7 Recourse Action (V3) (Continued)
Name Description
Actionon NakReceived The action theadapter takes when it receives anHL7 ApplicationNAK fromthe
external system. Selectone of the following options:
Resend – Theadapter attempts to resend the messageto the external system.
Reset – Theadapter closes its connection with theexternal system and goes
through the connectionscenario.
Skip Message – Theadapter remains connected, but writes themessage to an
error queue.
Note – Do not set both the Action On NAK Received and Action On Max NAK
Received properties to SkipMessage.
This property isused for inbound Collaboration code.
Actionon Max Nak
The action theadapter takes when the maximum numberof HL7 Application
NAKs have been received from the external system, as set by the Max NAK
Receive Retry property (see
Communication Control). Select one of the
following options:
Exit – The adapter terminatesits connection with the externalsystem and
shuts down.
Reset – Theadapter closes its connection with theexternal system and goes
through the connectionscenario.
Skip Message – Theadapter remains connected, but writes themessage to an
error queue.
This property isused for inbound Collaboration code.
Note – Do not set both the Action On NAK Received and Action On Max NAK
Received properties to SkipMessage.
Actionon Max NakSent The action theadapter takes when it has sentthe maximum allowed number of
NAKs to the external system, as set by the Max NAK Send Retry parameter (see
Communication Control). Select one of thefollowing options:
Exit – The adapter terminatesits connection with the externalsystem and
shuts down.
Reset – Theadapter closes its connection with theexternal system and goes
through the connectionscenario.
This property isused for inbound Collaboration code.
TCP/IPHL7V3AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200978