TABLE27 Connectivity Map- General Inbound Settings(V3) (Continued)
Name Description
Scope OfState The scopeof the state object, which isa Message Library node.Select one of the
following options forthis property:
Resource Adapter Level – The statehas the same life cycleas the resource
Connection Level – The statehas the same life cycleas the connection.
OTD Level – Thestate has the same lifecycle as the Message Library object.
This scope representsthe life cycle of the state.
Dedicated SessionMode An indicator ofwhether the server Dedicated Session Mode isenabled. When the
server Dedicated Session Modeis enabled, the current client’s requestexclusively
holds the serverport to which it connects. Thenext client’s request to the same
port is blockedor rejected until the previous requestconcludes and releases the
Select true to enablethe Dedicated Session Mode, or selectfalse to disable the
Dedicated Session Mode.
TCPIP Inbound Settings — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Inbound
The following table lists and describes the properties on the TCPIP Inbound Settings page of the
Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties congure the Java
socket and server socket options.
TABLE28 Connectivity Map- TCPIP Inbound Settings(V3)
Name Description
Connection Type The way theadapter establishes the TCP/IP connection. Selectone of the
following options:
Client – The adapter connectsto an external server (host/port)to establish
the connection. Theadapter is in active mode.
Server – Theadapter waits and listens on acertain port for an incoming
connection request froman external client. Once the requestis received, the
adapter accepts therequest and establishes the connection. Theadapter is in
passive mode.
Server is thedefault setting. Unless you specically requireClient mode, leave the
default value.
TCP/IPHL7V3AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 65