Soundscape Mixpander
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Native mixer elements Sample Buffer Size
Clicking this item calls up a dialog box which can be used to set the Sample Buffer Size for native
mixer elements:
The default buffer size for native mixer elements is 128 samples. Typically, it should be raised if
the PC is struggling to cope with the processing demands. Multiples of 64 up to 1024 can be used.
If an invalid value is entered, the closest valid value below it will be used instead.
Connect to Console Manager
Clicking this item connects the SSL Soundscape Mixer to the optional Console Manager
application which can be used to control the Mixer from a hardware control surface and to
automate it. The “Mixer selection” parameter of Console Manager must be set to “First
Connecting” or “Mixtreme”. If Console Manager is not already active it will be launched
NOTE: Console Manager is available from the Solid State Logic website and must be installed
Enable Mixer Automation
Clicking this item enables automation for the SSL Soundscape Mixer. It is equivalent to clicking the
Automation button in the Toolbar. Automation can only be enabled if the SSL Soundscape Mixer is
connected to the Console Manager program. When Automation is active, the SSL Soundscape
Mixer transmits data to Console Manager whenever an automatable mixer control is used and
responds to automation data received from Console Manager. Most mixer controls can be
automated, with a few exceptions for some third party plug-ins.