Soundscape Mixpander
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Operationally, VST plug-ins within the SSL Soundscape Mixer generally behave in a similar
fashion to Soundscape format DSP-powered plug-ins and Soundscape mixer elements in general.
They can be moved or copied using the relevant tools, their settings are saved as part of the Mixer,
and automation works in the same way as for other mixer elements. However, the text box at the
top of the main plug-in window behaves a bit differently. The arrow to its right can be used to
open a program selection menu, and names can also be typed directly inside the box. The [Enter]
key must be pressed to validate a newly entered name, otherwise it is lost as soon as a different
program is selected using the menu.
Note that many VST plug-ins have their own separate program/bank management facilities.
VST mixer elements are shown in blue in the mixer columns, so they can be easily
differentiated from other mixer elements which are generally shown in grey or in
some cases with a customized look (like the Cedar plug-ins). The mixer column
shown here features, starting below the track insert: a Drawmer SDX100 (grey), a
Cedar Dehiss (black/custom look), and three VST mixer elements: Elemental
Audio Systems’ Eqium, Anarchy Effects’ Spectral Autopan and PSP’s MixTreble.