Soundscape Mixpander
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A vertical scrollbar appears when necessary, i.e., whenever one or more mixer columns cannot be
entirely viewed in the SSL Soundscape Mixer window. This is necessary because while the
window can be resized, there is no limit to the number of mixer elements that can be inserted in a
mixer column (within available DSP resources), and therefore there is no limit to the vertical size of
a mixer column.
The following example shows a simple Mixer with two stereo columns and an effects return
column, all bussed to a master mixer column. Slot 5 is empty:
Notice that only the first mixer column has an EQ, while only the second mixer column has a send
element. This is an example of putting power where it is needed. The restrictions of hardware
mixing desks, and of inflexible, predefined software mixers have been relegated into the past. For
example, if you want to send an EQ’d signal to an effects unit, drop an EQ in before the send. If
you want a flat signal sent to the effects unit but want an EQ’d version sent to the master out, drop