Soundscape Mixpander
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Error status indications
Processing Overrun (PO)
When the Mixer’s DSP power requirement exceeds available resources, a Processing Overrun (PO)
indication will be visible in the Status Bar, indicating that at the time of the message, the DSP did
not have enough time to keep up with the processing demands of the current Mixer. There are
three options to determine how error messages are displayed and cleared, set under the View
menu or by right-clicking the Status Bar and using the pop-up menu. It is possible that you may
not notice any effect on the audio when a PO error is indicated, depending upon for how long the
audio was muted for.
Streaming Underrun (SU)
If severe interruptions of the audio streams occur and the PO message is not displayed in the
Status Bar, then an SU message may be shown, indicating that a Streaming Underrun has
occurred. The audio may be muted temporarily but if the error was very short, it is possible that
you may not notice any effect on the audio.
Streaming underruns are a result of the PC being unable to transfer audio data to and from the SSL
Soundscape audio card as required.
Recurrent error messages
In case of recurrent error messages:
- Try moving the SSL Soundscape audio card to another PCI slot, avoiding interrupt sharing if at
all possible.
- If possible, try the SSL Soundscape audio card in another PC. If the problem persists, it will tend
to confirm that the problem comes from the card.
Technical support
If you encounter problems that you cannot solve, please contact Solid State Logic Support.
The URL for online technical support is http://solid-state-logic-en.custhelp.com