Soundscape Mixpander
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Sample Rate
When the mouse pointer is on “Sample Rate”, a submenu appears that lets you select the Sample
In a multiple unit configuration, Sample Rates that are not supported by the Master Device will
appear dimmed.
Note that if the Master Device supports Sample Rates higher than those supported by other SSL
Soundscape hardware units in the system, these Sample Rates should not be selected even though
they will appear as available in the submenu.
This setting is not applicable to the SSL Soundscape Mixpander hardware.
Clicking this item opens the “Passwords” window. Clicking the arrow to the right of the “Select
Mixer unit” box calls up a drop-down list of all the installed SSL Soundscape audio cards. The
Passwords list features all the software modules that are password protected and installed on the
host computer. The SSL Soundscape Mixer itself must be enabled by entering the correct password
in this window for the “Main Mixer (Part A, B, C)” entry (this was probably done via the Password
dialogue when you started the software for the first time). The main mixer password also enables