Soundscape Mixpander
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Mixer Auto Routing
Mixer auto routing can be enabled or disabled by respectively ticking or unticking the “Auto
Route Mixer” item under menu: Settings. If it is enabled, the SSL Soundscape Mixpander’s DSP
resources will be allocated automatically when the mixer configuration is edited. This may
override prior DSP resources assignments that have been made manually. For instance, a mixer
column that has been assigned to DSP 4 may be reassigned to DSP 5.
If Mixer Auto Routing is enabled (“Auto Route Mixer” ticked) after the resources for a given DSP
have been exceeded (i.e., when the Mixer is inactive), the following message will be displayed:
Clicking “Yes” will allow the resources to be reallocated automatically. Clicking “No” will keep
the current DSP allocations, which will need to be edited manually in order to reactivate the Mixer.